Farmers SHGs And Agri Business
Self Help Groups (SHGs) are the backbone of our organization. Emergence of SHGs was in 90’s and today it has changed a lot, modifications were made considering the development perspectives. We formed SHGs of farmers with common objectives, tasks, group identities and neighbourhood. It is a system where all members work together to address common problems and utilize opportunities through participatory action after co-operative decision making for the overall development of members. At present we have more than 2000 farmers SHGs spread throughout the state of Kerala having about 1,30,902 farmers.
We started linkages with village level common market platforms to sell the products of our farmers. Business men from towns come to the village market and buy the products through auction system. This enabled the farmers to do away with middlemen and thus they are able to get the best price through a transparent process. We are also trying to associate with the Agriculture Department of the Kerala government to conduct the village markets for the benefit of our farmers

Capacity building trainings to farmers :-We conduct training to farmers in the following areas: