Integrated Rural Development

Jal Jeevan Mission

Bio - Gas

Subsidy Program

Use Natural Resources Integrated Services And Solutions For Industry

Integrated Rural Development Ezhikkara Grama Panchayat

Peter Thettayil
Executive Director
‘Andhyodaya’-name of the organization means ‘unto the last’-Rise of last man in Society. Our NGO’s activities and projects always aim to achieve this goal. The world today is in the grip of Crisis; Crisis of Energy, Crisis of Drinking Water, Crisis of Carbon Emission. The rich may be able to surpass these Crisis’s but what about the poor? How shall they survive? What are sustainable solutions for them? This call of the poor urged formation of the NGO and planning & implementation of projects covering these crisis areas. We walk innovative paths to reach the goal. Renewable Energy Projects, Rain Water Harvesting, Carbon Emission Reduction Projects and programs were initiated to move closer to the goals.
We are now a national NGO having the presence in many states of India. Winning the UNESCO India Water Award, selling the first VER Credit at the CCX trading platform, distributing Carbon Credit money to farmers, Winning Consumer Protection Award were some moments of joy and satisfaction to all at.
The Andhyodaya. These achievements speak of the quality of service and commitment to activities. We are contributing our share in facing global issues by implementing projects and programmes conducive to local conditions. But the goal in still far and we have ‘miles to go before it’s reached’!!
The Andhyodaya
M C Road, Angamaly
Ernakulam Dist, 683572,
Kerala, South India.
Phone : +91-484-2453548
Email : info@theandhyodaya.in